Thursday, August 21, 2014

Adventures in plenty?

In typical Kris fashion, I missed the first day of class of my LAST semester of school. Such the rebel, I am. But, I woke up surrounded by kids I adore (literally-they were all in my bed) and a mom who puts up with every side of me (even the cranky, whiney, needy side). 

It looked something similar to this, but on the floor... 

I couldn't have picked a better way to start this final leg of my school journey than driving back from my last big family visit of the summer. 

Man, you spend 10 hours in the car alone and you start thinking about all sorts of things! And of corse, there's all kinds of upper body dancing to go with the John Legend and/or Taylor Swift pandora station... Yes, very entertaining this day has been. 

And my fellow road warrior, manning the back end of the ship.

Biggest things I've taken away from my journey this past week? 

-Always be open to new adventures. 

-Even if you are uncomfortable, always talk "it" out. 

-never underestimate the importance of a good cup of joe. Never

-Be you, because there is not one other person in the entire world who has the capabilities that you do. God choose YOU for your journey for a very specific reason. Discover that reason. 

-when you get cranky, eat a granola bar. 

I'll leave you with these little gems. 

Where cuddles are plenty... 

And bathrooms are in high demand... 

Adventures are endless! 

The rewards are great!

Animal stalking is one of my very favorite things! 

Go in love friends. 

Friday, August 8, 2014

Ketchup? Catch up.

July 17th. That's how long it's been. 

Good thing this isn't a plant waiting to be watered or a fish needing to be fed. 

Rest assured, all things requiring both water and food are tended to daily around these parts.

Oh man, there's a sermon in there somewhere. And knowing me, it will come up sooner or later. 

But for now... catch up, shall we? 

I still love my hammock.

I still love my dog. 

I still love my awesome summer job. 

I still miss my family.

almost cried when my Jennie went college dorm room shopping. 

Then we found a kayak.

 And then grandma did this. 

I love my selfie stick. (Previously called selfie pole-but the alliteration got to me!) 

And, I am going to love my new job. More on that later. 

Happy end of summer, y'all!