Saturday, June 28, 2014

Warning signs

What is your first reaction when you see this while driving? At 7:30am, no less. 

*Looks to dash, immediately let's off gas* 

Oh crap. 

Here it goes. 

"Hi officer"

"Ma'am, do you know why I've pulled you over" 


"You were going 48 in a 30. Give me your drivers lisence, registration, proof of insurance." 

"Ma'am you live on this street, you know better. The speed limit is 30 miles per hour!"

***thinks to self: Ohhhhhh, that's the speed limit! They should post it somewhere....

Officer says my FULL name into his walkie-talkie as he leaves my car window.

In the TEN minutes I waited for him to return... 

I'm getting a ticket. Crap. 

Oh gosh, what is taking so long! 

Just hurry up and bring me the ticket dude. 

I'm going to be late for work! 

Geeze, he has been writing on that tablet a long time. 

Just give me my ticket so I can go. 

And allowed, verbally - with window still down, in my sassiest "I just woke up don't mess with me voice" 

You know what, NO. I don't have the money for a ticket. Lord, just take care of that. 

Officer approaches my car and very angrily through gritted teeth says:

"I live on this street. I will remember your face and your vehicle. SLOW DOWN." 

"ma'am, I'm just giving you a warning today."


Close one. 

Friday, June 27, 2014

Last nights mascara

I was leaving a restaurant today, waking past the patio, I noticed a mom taking a picture of her two kids. (Of-not with)

thought occurred to me: A generation of moms behind the camera means a future generation of kids without pictures of their parents. 

That's so sad to me! People rely so much on this "selfie" situation to document all of their precious moments. What happened to people being bold enough to ask a stranger at the same place to capture the group photo for them? Or a camera with a self timer mode?

I was driving through Texas last weekend and saw this sunflower field.... 

Amazing, right? 

People were stopped all along the road taking photos with these HUGE sunflowers. I lavished in the moment, watching the miles pass by and the people living in the present. 

We need more spontaneity. 

I think some of it has to do with our inability to look completely flawless at any moment, let's face it-iPhones turned in "selfie" position do not come fully equipped with Photoshop. (Although I've noticed a few people have downloaded apps to assist their mid-day selfie shoot) We get wrapped up in how others see us. 

We forget to just live in the moment. 

As I was making my journey home from Texas, I saw the sea of yellow approaching. I made the decision to stop and see these things up close-even though I was alone. (There is the selfie option, after all)

When I came close enough to slow down, I noticed one vehicle. There was a couple around my age attempting the selfie with the sunflower. I couldn't let this pass for them. So I marched right up to them and insisted they let me take a real photo for them. Of course they were willing, and appreciative. 

Here I am, this random stranger, walking out of the car with hipster glasses, a hippie headband, and a car fully stocked with stickers displaying my love of all things outdoors and animal related. (It's possible there was a twizzler hanging from my mouth too) I can only imagine their conversation once they climbed back into that blue pick-up truck. 

But it's cool, they returned the favor for me. 

Goal: obtain a super awesome camera and document all areas of my life-even the unscripted unplanned, unmake-uped, moments - WITH me in the picture. 

Why has a super techy brainy-ack not created an online portal for people to upload photos they capture of strangers that can't catch the moment themselves? Photos that hold so much value to only those in the photo... Think about it, there's a million dollar idea. 

In the mean time, embrace the photo of yourself, even if your hair's all a mess and you're wearing last nights mascara. 

Monday, June 23, 2014

Growing Pains

What legacy do you want to leave behind? 

Lately I've found myself completely intrigued with past (and present) long term missionaries. This all started when I embarked on a 15 week journey through a course completely focused on The Lord and His desire for all nations. This class held true to it's name and wrecked my perspective for the ordinary way of thinking. 

For that, I am thankful
With that, I am challenged.

As we read through story after story of people giving God all the glory, I was captivated by His willingness to use any one person who merely said yes. Any person who stood in faith with the knowledge and understanding they need not do any more than say yes. 

I find it interesting that just over a year ago I boldly stated I had no desire to read Christian literature or bother myself with books of faith based material.

Oh, how God quickly convicts, corrects, and redirects the hearts of those who long to be near to Him. 

I am currently knee deep into the Christian Heroes: Then and Now series.  A series that presents story after story of every day people who committed themselves to following after The Lord, no matter what the personal cost. Women who boldly step outside of their comfort zone to reach those who have yet to be reached although organized Christian groups told them they were incapable, men who rally generations of followers to Christ, who in turn point all the glory to the One True King. 

Where are the Christian Heroes of today?

Who is willing to die to themselves in such a way you allow The Lord to mold you into His vision of purpose for your life? Katie (Kisses From Katie) cannot be the only one willing to step out in bold faith from our generation. She simply cannot be. Where are the Lottie Moons and the C. T. Studds or the Amy Carmichael's of today? The Paul's and the Peters? 

The World Changers?

The fishers of men. 

As we go through our daily task, it becomes so easy to get caught up in the habitual routine of life. To not take those extra few moments to say a prayer as the ambulance passes you on the interstate. To turn your head when you pull up to a stop sign and see a sign that reads "Hungry. No food, no money". It is too easy to act as if we weren't placed here to help those less fortunate. 

Distractions of any number in our lives limit Gods ability to use us in ways unimaginable to even the deepest dreamer. 

God has me in a season of growing. I know this because there are growing pains. Pains of self doubt and thoughts of inability. Pains triggered by situations that have left me feeling as though there is nothing left to give. Pains influenced by growth of those around me.  

These pains can be used as something that keep me oppressed and restrain growth in any form - or that can be used to propel me into whatever comes next. I choose growth. I walk boldly in faith knowing if I am wiling to crucify the desires of my flesh The Lord will give me the desires of His heart. 

I choose to say yes. 

I am here Lord, 

“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45

Friday, June 20, 2014

As good as the real thing

What is it that drives us to post everything about our lives on social media? No really, I want to know. I can seriously be just as guilty as the next person, even going as far as snapping pics of my dinner. The horror. The shame.

(The tacos were so good though...) 


I've spent much of this last week searching for an answer as to why I may feel the need to do this. A week filled with much to share, but I didn't. 

I held onto most of what I experienced like it were some buried treasure.

I wanted to savor every moment, and then selfishly keep it to myself-just to pull it out of my memory bank for a day when I needed a little something for the love tank. 

There's been a certain something to this action, or lack there of. In the last few days, my phone has been on the charger once. I've let text go unanswered, Facebook go unchecked, Instagram go with only a post about deer. 

Because well, this happened. 

And the next night, this... 

No matter how amazing time with my family has been, or how many goofy pictures I may have saved for another time (such as mom sitting on top of the refrigerator) -- I just couldn't not show this one. 

Selfies with a deer. Your welcome, world of social media. 

My point is kind of a simple one. 


Take time to stay up all night playing games or go sleep under the stars. 

Or both. 

Just remember that social media can be a fabulous thing, but there is nothing quiet as good as the real thing. 

Face to face human interaction. 

Go soak some up. 

Monday, June 16, 2014

The Fault in Our Hype

So, I'm sure everyone has heard of this new movie, which was first a book. 

Yea, I'm sure. 

I had never heard of it until it was the only thing I heard of. Social media was blowing up in ways unthinkable over the release of the movie with actual people I actually know making comments in reference to the book and film such as this: 

"prepare to cry for 16 hours. Ugly tears."

"I started crying on the first page and didn't stop until the last"

I'm not sure why I was willing to spend a 10 hour road trip in tears, but I was. I bit the bullet and bought the fancy contraption that transmits my iPhone through the FM radio (no blue tooth option in Ol' Moneypit) I downloaded the audio book, then I hit the road. 

After chaper 3 I texted a friend who swears she hates reading but finished this book in 24 hours. 

So I gave it more time. 

And then some more. I made it about 3 hours from my final destination and realized I had just the right amount of time on my drive to finish the book. 

Instead, I shut it off and turned to my good old faithful country music to carry me home. 

I couldn't decide why, but I didn't have the desire to finish the book. At least not then. I was so worked up about getting to read it, I believe I set my expectations too high. 

Now I know many people could truly start to hate me for this next comment, but - I became bored with the book. 

Yes, bored

I went back to my earlier conversation with my friend about the "hype" and started reflecting on other areas of my life. I soon realized I had allowed myself to get caught up in the hype on other occasions as well.

School. Graduation will be worth it. 6 years later - Better be.

Work. Pouring time into a company will build your future! Lies. Give me a one way ticket to India, please! 

Dating. Allow yourself to test the waters, better safe than sorry. Just no. 

Family. Blood is thicker than water. Unless it's Holy Water. Boom. 

Credit Cards. Buy now, pay later! Yes, hundreds of wasted dollars and 15 years after you needed that *to die for* dress because it fit you "just right" it will be paid for.

All of this to say, don't get caught up in the hype of just anything. Take the time to look at what it is you're about to commit to and truly dig down to the root of what it is. Then, and only then, if this is something you find yourself completely incapable of living without - be it a new gadget or a complete way of thinking - should you go on creating chatter among your peers and Instagram followers. 

Be bold enough to only stand for something you are willing to stand alone to support. 

Just a few things I can honestly create hype about and not feel guilty? 

- My 14 year old brother finally wrote me into the book he's writing. Yes, 14. Yes, writing a book. A series in fact.

- Local eateries. Seriously. Food. No guilt when it taste that good.

- Saving Animals. Paws for life.

- Sleeping on the porch in hammocks. Even if it's probably going to come with a tiny lecture in the AM. Sorry mom, couldn't say no.

And of course, my Jesus. No hype is needed really, people just have to experience His love and they will never want to be without.

Kinda silly all of this was brought on by an unfinished book. 

Please don't go runing the end for me-I plan on finishing it on the torturous ride home. I'm sure I'll be ready for the tears by then. 

Now go, be bold enough to stand for something worth the hype. 

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Common Thread

A lot of times I can be doing absolutely nothing related to this blog and inspiration hits. 

Hello, Holy Spirit

When that happens, I try to write it down. I've learned this is how God speaks to me more often than not, so I don't want to miss it. Because of this random inspiration, I normally have bits and pieces of blogs written, only to come back later and finish them.... 

This is one of those cases. 

You see, I am just riding backwards in the back seat through these Texas back roads, looking something fierce. 

(Bobby pin, not tooth pick-20 something woman, not 40 something man.)

And BOOM! 

No, not fireworks. 

Although, there is this adorable little Fourth of July moment... 

And this one... 


This one is my favorite. 

By far. 


Back to the BOOM. 

On this here road trip home, I was going through some of my notes to myself and came across some related to spiritual bonds.

There was a message in church a few months back that explained the extent of a spiritual bond and the greatness that bond has on ones life, even suggesting it goes much deeper than that of a blood bond between people. 

I firmly believe this to be true, if only for the fact that the Holy Spirit lives inside of me, and when I meet other people who have allowed Him to reside in their hearts, bonds are made. At times those bonds are so strong the lines of blood and water are muddied in such a way they can never be "clear" again. 

This is not a bad thing. 

Through this muddied water mixture, you do receive clarity. 

You are shown with such certainty who spiritual leaders and mentors are in your life, you developed into a mentor and leader yourself, and all of this is to further the kingdom. 

To reach those who have yet to be reached. 

God allows these bonds, encourages these bonds even, so we have brothers and sisters to hold us up and help us out. You can walk this walk through Him alone, but He never intended for you to have to. 

I got to watch my mom help "hold up a friend" this weekend. She watered a seed that was planted long ago. She delivered truth to someone so close to realizing who God is. Someone right on the edge of grabbing ahold of that truth. 

It's a proud moment when you see someone you care about, someone with not only a family bond but that spiritual bond, trust in God for the words and faithfully speak them. 

See the Joy of The Lord just radiating right off her? 

It helps she's just beautiful anyway, but when you add the spiritual element and allow The Lord to use you, He adds to that beauty like no one or nothing can. Not even a curling iron. 

Let me tell you, even if no one understands your bonds but you, make them. Lean into them. I'm learning these spiritual bonds are far greater than any regular bond could ever be.  I've also learned we aren't always going to be the one doing the watering or the planting, so it helps to have friends in your garden of souls you may encounter. 

I'm not disqualifying or discounting the importance of friendships or relationships built on college life or familie ties or childhood memories, but there is something to be said for those around us who share the common thread that knits us all together in the greater picture of what life is truly meant to be. 

I'm simply saying there's something about that spiritual connection. It strengthens the bond between people like only Jesus can. 

I long for the day my entire family has this spiritual bond. 

I hold onto my faith that God is listening and answering prayers. And until each of them know Jesus in a personal way, I will continue to stand in the gap and fight the fight through prayer. 

I encourage you all to do the same. 

Stand in prayer, even when you've grown weary.

Don't lose the faith. 

Keep pressing in. 

Monday, June 2, 2014

Dear Paula,

How are you? Me? I'm doing well. I'm 26 years old now. It's taken some time, but I'm one semester away from graduating college, the first in my family! A few years ago I moved far away enough from home to be "on my own", but close enough to go back when I needed to. I will be making another big move soon, this time pushing myself even more, allowing God to fully lead me. He has already shown me parts of the path, it's a faith building one for sure!

I just wanted to take this time to tell you...

It's okay that when you were 17 you didn't know what to do with a baby. It's okay that you did the only thing you knew how to do, and you gave me to a responsible adult.

I promise, it's okay. 

Actually, it's more than okay.

You see, I've grown into a strong independent woman. I've made my share of mistakes, sure. But I've also found the grace of The Lord. I am confident in who I am in Him, and what He is calling me to do. I am bold in my faith. I am passionate about loving people. I am nurturing, I am protective, I am compassionate. I get fired up about animals that don't have a home and orphans in foreign lands. I cry proud tears when I hear the National Anthem, and I've made a vow to my Lord to not let this be the only nation I proudly serve. My deepest desire is for people to know and fall in love with my Jesus.

I am all of these things because you placed me in the care of someone who taught me how to be all of that, someone who also saw the importance in allowing others to help teach me along the way.

I guess you can say, I am all of these things partly because of you.

You knew your limits and didn't place any on me by keeping me in an environment that was unhealthy. For that, I have to say thank you. Thank you for knowing your daughter was better off in the care of someone who could fully provide for her.

The last time I spoke to you, I said some hurtful things. I want you to know, I didn't really mean it. I was younger then, I didn't understand all you had done for me by not doing anything at all. I couldn't see the bigger picture of your love for me, by allowing me to grow in someone else's home. Allowing me to flourish under the care of someone other than yourself. Most would believe, you did a selfless thing. I now see that too. I see the sacrifice you made by placing me elsewhere, not knowing how I would turn out.

I've turned out okay. Some would say, good even.

I can't wait to be a mom, too. I hope to have a house full one day. When that happens, I promise I will teach them to be good. I will teach them to love the Lord. I will show them how to serve others. 

You've crossed my mind so many times before today. I wondered if I ever crossed yours? I've thought it through time and time again, what I would say to you if there was ever another "chance" encounter between you and me. I still don't know for sure, which is why I am now taking this time to tell you of the life you gave me. 

Just in case you were wondering about me. I have a good life. A happy life. It is filled with a lot of laughter and copious amounts of love.

I have been blessed.

When I think of you now, I promise I will think of all the happy moments you gave to me by giving me away. I will think of you with gratitude for the life I live. 

My many thanks,
