A lot of times I can be doing absolutely nothing related to this blog and inspiration hits.
Hello, Holy Spirit
When that happens, I try to write it down. I've learned this is how God speaks to me more often than not, so I don't want to miss it. Because of this random inspiration, I normally have bits and pieces of blogs written, only to come back later and finish them....
This is one of those cases.
You see, I am just riding backwards in the back seat through these Texas back roads, looking something fierce.
(Bobby pin, not tooth pick-20 something woman, not 40 something man.)
No, not fireworks.
Although, there is this adorable little Fourth of July moment...
And this one...
This one is my favorite.
By far.
Back to the BOOM.
On this here road trip home, I was going through some of my notes to myself and came across some related to spiritual bonds.
There was a message in church a few months back that explained the extent of a spiritual bond and the greatness that bond has on ones life, even suggesting it goes much deeper than that of a blood bond between people.
I firmly believe this to be true, if only for the fact that the Holy Spirit lives inside of me, and when I meet other people who have allowed Him to reside in their hearts, bonds are made. At times those bonds are so strong the lines of blood and water are muddied in such a way they can never be "clear" again.
This is not a bad thing.
Through this muddied water mixture, you do receive clarity.
You are shown with such certainty who spiritual leaders and mentors are in your life, you developed into a mentor and leader yourself, and all of this is to further the kingdom.
To reach those who have yet to be reached.
God allows these bonds, encourages these bonds even, so we have brothers and sisters to hold us up and help us out. You can walk this walk through Him alone, but He never intended for you to have to.
I got to watch my mom help "hold up a friend" this weekend. She watered a seed that was planted long ago. She delivered truth to someone so close to realizing who God is. Someone right on the edge of grabbing ahold of that truth.
It's a proud moment when you see someone you care about, someone with not only a family bond but that spiritual bond, trust in God for the words and faithfully speak them.
See the Joy of The Lord just radiating right off her?
It helps she's just beautiful anyway, but when you add the spiritual element and allow The Lord to use you, He adds to that beauty like no one or nothing can. Not even a curling iron.
Let me tell you, even if no one understands your bonds but you, make them. Lean into them. I'm learning these spiritual bonds are far greater than any regular bond could ever be. I've also learned we aren't always going to be the one doing the watering or the planting, so it helps to have friends in your garden of souls you may encounter.
I'm not disqualifying or discounting the importance of friendships or relationships built on college life or familie ties or childhood memories, but there is something to be said for those around us who share the common thread that knits us all together in the greater picture of what life is truly meant to be.
I'm simply saying there's something about that spiritual connection. It strengthens the bond between people like only Jesus can.
I long for the day my entire family has this spiritual bond.
I hold onto my faith that God is listening and answering prayers. And until each of them know Jesus in a personal way, I will continue to stand in the gap and fight the fight through prayer.
I encourage you all to do the same.
Stand in prayer, even when you've grown weary.
Don't lose the faith.
Keep pressing in.