Monday, March 26, 2012

Simple Living

                                                  I serve an AMAZING God!!!!! 

I sometimes cannot believe the things He has done and is still doing for me. I am truly blessed beyond belief! Only 580 more dollars to raise for the Haiti trip, then it's ALL paid for!

On another note, I spent most of spring break with my family, and I have to say I am speechless (which we all know is a very big deal) at the healing God has done on my relationships with every single member of the Kirkpatrick clan. He is truly deserving of my praise. Fishing with Daddy and Joshua, movies with my favorite kids, horse races with Mandee, snuggle time with my Grams, slobbery kisses from my puppies, Hunger Games with my Whitney... GREAT week!  

That is all for today, just wanted to share a little positive outlook on life :) 

-Stay BOLD in Him! 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

you feel that it was rainin' all over this man's world....

"Hoverin' by my suitcase, tryin' to find a warm place to spend the night
Heavy rain fallin', seems I hear your voice callin' "It's all right."
A rainy night in Georgia, a rainy night in Georgia...."

Actually its a drizzly afternoon in Arkansas, but I just really like that song. Chris Young does a pretty good version of it, too. While I do have a warm place to spend the night (thanks student loans!) I know of people that do not. I am currently staring at my red suitcase, the one that I take on airplanes, praying that soon I get to use it. As I've previously mentioned, God has called me to do His mission work this summer. While at first I assumed it was on a "road trip" to southern states to do intercity missions, I have been more heavily convicted to help the people of Haiti. Just this week they have been hit again by earthquakes.

The total cost of the trip is 1500 dollars (drastically changing from the 2600 dollar total for both trips) and I've already been blessed with the first $500 dollars for the deposit that was due in February. There is another 500 dollars due next Sunday, in exactly one week (March 18, 2012) and then the final deposit of $500 will be due Sunday April 15th. 

If you have a heart for missions at all and feel now is not the right time for you to actually go, I would be so honored if you would sponsor me and allow me to be the representative for you and the body of Christ. Any amount would be greatly appreciated :) 

I do hear that voice callin' "It's all right", because I know God will provide the funds needed. Please let Him use you as a tool!

If you feel lead to help, or even spread the word- all is appreciated! BUT the most important thing is for yall to be praying. Pray for the people of Haiti, pray that God is able to use me, pray that souls are healed. 

Thanks in advance for all you are going to do :) 


PS- if you want to help with the funds, send checks to:
2270 Meadowlake Rd Apt 710
Conway AR 72032
*** All checks to be made out to New Life Church

Please feel free to flood your social networks with this website and help raise awareness and support :)