Monday, March 31, 2014

Just go with it

A lot of times I will call my daddy and ask him to come eat lunch with me. He's normally pretty quick to plan a day and make the 45 minute drive to Conway. I always love this because I get to spend time with him, and I get a free meal out of the deal! 

Yesterday was his 50th birthday. I devised a plan which included seeing most of my family and getting a free dinner, all while never having to leave my city! You see, I'm about smack dab in the middle between my dad and my brother, so it wasn't too hard to convince everyone to come here. 

Also, there's Golden Corral. 

Growing up, I actually hated this place. I would get so upset when my grandparents wanted to go anywhere with a buffet. Not really sure why, but I hated it non the less. 

Now, I find it kind of fun. You can get steak and a piece of lasagna, then finish it off with Cotten candy or a treat dipped in the chocolate fountain-or both! 

The idea is so nice, but most of the time the execution isn't worth the calories. And let's not even get me started on the cleanliness (or lack there of)... but it's still a fun experience every once in a while though. It's kind of like a ball park hot dog, just go with it. 

This happens to be the third family birthday celebrated at the ol' Corral since I've moved to Conway. I'm not sure how this "tradition" started, but this was by far the the best one yet.  

Take a look and see... 

The birthday crew: 7 out of 8 good sports about the hats... Can't complain too much.

Now time to sneak up on dad with the cake!! Oh look, I broke the candle... 

But Handy Man Marty fixed it up with a little icing! 

Present time!! He's pumped! Or just humoring me. 

Notice my alteration of the typical 5 year old birthday card... 

I really went all out with the "old man" theme...

At this point, he was obviously a little over all of my birthday antics-but hey, you only turn 50 once! 

Happy Birthday, Pops! Hope you had as much fun as I did! 

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