Friday, August 17, 2012

Starting Fresh

I have not properly maintained this blog, mainly because I feel like I am typing to myself. Perhaps I am. Maybe I will open up more if I feel no one will ever read this, but my words still have to be monitored just in case I end up in the White House one day.  That’s the goal you know, future First lady of the United States of America. (Add one to the ol' bucket list!)

Ok, with a fresh new start into another year of school (yes, the perpetual student strikes again!) I have decided to give a lot of areas of my life a fresh new start. This is step number one. I am going to commit to writing here at least once a week, if only to give myself something to look back on in the future. One thing you may not know, I’ve always had a secret dream of becoming a published author. (Bucket list?) This can be chapter one. 

New start number two: my health. That’s getting a big ol’ jumpstart too. When I was 21 years old I discovered that I was a type two diabetic. I was not satisfied with having a disease that could control me for the rest of my life so I got off the couch and started walking. Literally. I worked my way up to around 4-5 miles a day. With that there was also maintaining a healthier eating style, and it all resulted in a 68 pound weight loss over the course of about 15 months. I did things right. Then I started doing things wrong. In the same amount of time it took me to lose the weight, I put half of it back on. And then I became comfortable. I maintained my weight for about 6 months, then these past few months I gained 13 pounds back. I stopped smoking. It’s funny, I did something so healthy, and my consequence was something so unhealthy. Well all that stops this week. 

I have looked up what a Basic Metabolic Rate (BMR) is, I have discovered mine, I have researched what a healthy diet plan for me can be… and soon I am going to be on my way to not only losing the weight I gained back, but hopefully surpassing the original number by a few more pounds. When that happens I will post some gruesome before and after photos, but not until then. So keep pushing me and encouraging me to make smart decisions (I know everyone is dying to see overweight me in a sports bra!). However, don’t get carried away- I know my limits and if I want a piece of chocolate cake, don’t say anything or I’m liable to really snap at you. (Just warning you Sara Gallina-Love you!)
I’m five days in and I have worked out 3 of the 5. I’m doing cardio and strength training just in case anyone is wondering. Normally once my mind is made up about something, I’m all in - so I don’t see why this would be any different. 

Moving on.

New start number three: school. Changed my major! Big surprise for a college student, right? According to my grandfather I have changed my major every week, so I guess it’s not surprise at all. Actually, I have only officially changed it once, from history to Political Science (here is where the White House starts looking like a real obtainable goal). I’m also going to get more involved around campus. I may even run for Student Government? Humm…

I guess that’s enough newness for one day. For now I will just let all of this soak in, for you and for me!

Until I decide to change something else, 


PS- the 9 day road trip? Total success. We all came back alive, although I was informed I was never allowed into a car for a long period of time with my grandfather again. He says I talk to much. That's what happens when the radio is NEVER turned on, who knew? 

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