Thursday, March 6, 2014

Seat of Shame

So I saw this eCard...

I tried to find it again, but to my disappointment- I couldn't.

It said something along the lines of "You never realize how lame your life is until someone ask what your hobbies are."

And becuase of that, I got to thinking. Sure, I have many "hobboies" or things I really enjoy doing, but the bulk of my time is spent with family. That is my family-family, my adoptive family, and those few friends who have somehow turned into family. You know what?

I wouldn't want it any other way. 

I'm an extremely competitive person, I also tend to run with an idea once its presented. When Noah suggested a toilet seat as the consolation prize in a recent game, I ran with the idea-straight to the hardware store (good thing I work for one!). Then the construction began...

We collectively decided the "biggest loser" of each family played game would have to wear the beloved "Seat of Shame" during the next game. Perhaps you think it's not a big deal.  I mean, how many games can one group of kids actually play...

In one weekend, I'm pretty sure the count of seat wearers tallied to 4 (some wore it more than once).

Don't let those faces fool you, they totally love it.

There were other victims, but they opted to wear the sparkly bedazzled Seat of Shame for the entire game rather than have their picture taken. May have been a smart move considering graduation slide shows are only a few years away.  

One of the greatest parts of this little invention? When someone has lost the game, they aren't as disappointed because they become the center or attention.

I have recently be introduced to an entire slew of family friendly games. Among my favorites would be Ticket to Ride and 7 Wonders, although I've yet to win either. Then for the more grown up crowd there is the rather crass, but often times hilarious, Cards Against Humanity. Just think apples to apples in adult form. (caution: if you lack a sense of humor or the ability to shake things off, don't attempt that last one)

I encourage you, put away the iPad, drop the remote, gather up the gang and commit to spending the evening engaged in a good old fashioned board game. Also, I challenge you (competitive nature here) to attempt your own newly instated family (or friend) tradition involving game night, then share it with me.

It will be hard for you to top that lego man, left over game piece, bedazzled Seat of Shame.

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