I have a few people who come by this site regularly and provide encouraging support. Two of them are pretty special ladies to me. They both celebrate birthdays today, so we know rhymes are on the way!
Cheesy birthday rhymes are in full force, and because she's on vacation I invite you all to read along the next wordy course!
Here's your special happy birthday message,
Lookie there, I went through a whole birthday message with out bringing up your red hair!
You had solo shots posted (a few of my favorites, I might add) because I just realized, we never actually take pictures together. We need to fix that.
Happy Birthday!!!! I love you to the moon and back!
Don't you worry, Deacon and Misha are keeping your bed nice and cozy while you are away.
Dear Amy,
When you hired me as a 19 year old at the car dealership, I bet neither of us realized it would be such a trip.
There you were 6 years later allowing me to take care of your boys, filling my summer with lots of joyful noise.
Along the way you provided a lot for my home, From kitchen dishes to a Christmas tree with all the fixin's.
Both of those are highly appreciated and used on regular occasion, when I use those colorful dishes I sometimes make it Asian.
We both have a mutual love of coffee and a good bottle of wine, although we've yet to share any for a few laughs and a good time.
I love your admiration for that tatted up Maroon five singer, although he has been known to flip the middle finger.
I assume we all have a little rebel in us at times, just remember the man in black who walked the line.
I appreciate your interest in my blog, I hope it makes you happy and hopeful as you read along.
Thanks for always hooking me up with support for my mission calling, I was so blessed I sometimes ended up bawling.
I hope you have the best birthday yet, hopefully filled with memories you will not soon forget!
Stay beautiful, stay sassy, continue to always keep it classy!
(Yes, I Facebook creeped this photo-but it seemed so appropriate)
Cheesy birthday rhymes are in full force, and because she's on vacation I invite you all to read along the next wordy course!
Dear Renita,
I've been thinking about this for days,
of all the things I would want to
At times I've been at a loss for words,
which for me as you know, is
quite absurd.
I've been in such a quiet place,
thinking about God and His infinite grace.
26 years I had to wait,
but God knew it wasn't a day too late.
You came into my life with such a voice,
I wouldn't have it any other way, if given the choice.
Heavily impacting me day by day,
covering me in prayer as God leads the way.
My time with your family has been a wild silly ride,
one that has forever changed my perspective on life.
I really wanted this to be clever and funny,
but all of the words coming out are just as sappy as honey.
Let's change things up a bit,
bring in more of my charming wit.
You've introduced me to
so many new things,
like Christmas without fruit soup, it just wouldn't be the
Is now the right time to thank you for all of the beer?
Or how about those dinner time conversations, we never know what we will hear!
Even though I make quite the fuss,
it really is funny when I hear you cuss.
It may be far and few between,
but it happens on occasion, you know what I mean.
As I've spent more time with you,
my vocabulary has changed too.
I don't go around using inappropriate words as you would,
but I have learned the shame in using "might could".
You should really consider adding words like fixin' and y'all,
it will be important to understanding everyone's Texas drawl.
Speaking of Texas, you have my blessing to head for that big open sky,
Speaking of Texas, you have my blessing to head for that big open sky,
but not to worry, because this is not goodbye.
Here's your special happy birthday message,
One that's filled with a few of life's little lessons.
This is to a woman with a lot of class,
who kicked cancer in the censored
Lookie there, I went through a whole birthday message with out bringing up your red hair!
You had solo shots posted (a few of my favorites, I might add) because I just realized, we never actually take pictures together. We need to fix that.
Happy Birthday!!!! I love you to the moon and back!
Don't you worry, Deacon and Misha are keeping your bed nice and cozy while you are away.
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