How can a person be completely exhausted and totally refreshed at the same time?
This week, I am emotionally spent.
My beloved Bentz family leaves for San Antonio Sunday morning, bright and early! They're saying something crazy like 6am. Lord, help me. Of course I plan on seeing them off, it is Mother's Day after all.
We've known for awhile now they were leaving. We've also known when they were leaving. What I didn't know is how everything else would pan out.
I just finished up my spring semester, but do to *ahem* complications, I'm taking a few classes over the summer so I can graduate in the fall. Praise The Lord, it is near! Because of these summer secessions and my changing work schedule and the added blessing of a summer babysitting job- I was unsure of exactly how much time I would have to breathe, let alone squeeze in precious moments with all of my kiddos before they took off.
It is so cool to watch as God just works things out, fulfilling your desires before you ever even ask. With my schedule as full as it is, this week I've had no obligations except to work, even then it was only 3 days and I was off by 1:30.
That is a total Godsend.
In the last week, I've watched as movers packed and loaded.
I've played princesses and pirate ships in a sea of boxes.
I've read short stories and papers. I've been badly beaten at games. I've held hands, hugged necks, and prayed prayers. I've snuggled little ones closely through the night as they're all piled in my bed. I've watched as one grew another year older. I've had heart to hearts.
I've laughed. I've cried. I've even laughed so hard I've cried. I've played at the park and in a two story jungle gym of sorts.
I've planned surprises with the help of little ones and I've gotten overly excited about it.
I've slept very little. Not even one nap!
I've been loved.
I've been reminded,
"it's only temporary".
I think the most important thing I've done through all of this though, I've loved with my whole heart. I've let my walls come down and allowed myself to trust others to protect me. I've placed my faith in a God who knows my needs and met them in ways I've never imagined.
Two days left.
This journey is to be continued...
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