Friday, August 8, 2014

Ketchup? Catch up.

July 17th. That's how long it's been. 

Good thing this isn't a plant waiting to be watered or a fish needing to be fed. 

Rest assured, all things requiring both water and food are tended to daily around these parts.

Oh man, there's a sermon in there somewhere. And knowing me, it will come up sooner or later. 

But for now... catch up, shall we? 

I still love my hammock.

I still love my dog. 

I still love my awesome summer job. 

I still miss my family.

almost cried when my Jennie went college dorm room shopping. 

Then we found a kayak.

 And then grandma did this. 

I love my selfie stick. (Previously called selfie pole-but the alliteration got to me!) 

And, I am going to love my new job. More on that later. 

Happy end of summer, y'all! 

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