Sunday, February 9, 2014

Hung up on Homeschool

I am 26. I am unmarried with no children, unless we count the one with 4 legs. I should not know who Heather Sanders is, but I do. I know who she is because I just spent the better part of my morning reading home school blogs and I happened upon hers. To my own defense, I started with a cooking website in attempts of domesticating myself more. From there I ended up in a mess of home school wonder. To me it is just that, wonder. I know very little, but I'm fascinated. 

You could say my current running crowd has influenced me in the way they do school (remember, I told you who you run with will affect how you do life). Or you can look at the bigger picture. I am 26 years old stuck at a 4 year university taking a class for the umpteenth time, which I cannot pass, simply because it is a degree requirement. Every day I want to skip, to ditch, to bail out. I am only allowed 5 absences a semester though. But I promise you, I use them.

The university feels it will make me a well rounded adult. Hello, I am already an adult. I have a job, I pay my own bills (yes, some with student loans-all of which I will pay back) I am responsible for another life (my dog). I pay my taxes. I’ve made mistakes, and I’ve learned life changing things from them. I contribute to society. 

I saw a TED talk on “hackschooling” and my first thought was “Man, I wish I could hack school the rest of my college degree.” It wasn’t until just a few months ago I realized I should never say “might could” in a sentence... but we can blame that one on my geographical location-not my lack of education. Seriously though, have you ever thought of what your children, or in my case-future children, may be learning or lacking every day? 

What do you do when the student is 16 and believes they know it all already? (that was me) You step up, you encourage them, you push them harder, you ground them, you take away the car keys, you give more homework, you love them, and along the way - you may have to deprive yourself of sleep to make sure they “get it”.

                                       You. Dig. Deeper. 

I didn’t know, or care, to push myself by the time I made it to the grade levels that would essentially effect my future. Would I go back and change things? Yes. Can I? No. So what do I do? I beg you to take your kids education into your own hands, in whatever way that may be. I am asking for the sake of the next generation, do not let them grow up unmotivated or uneducated.
My point is this, look into all areas of education. Do not limit yourself to the everyday bump and grind of the public system. If you do choose public education, make sure you are checking in on your kids. Push them. Keep up with the teachers who pour hours into your children. Join the PTA. 

If you home school; you choose the curriculum, you set the pace, YOU are responsible - that I've learned. That I am attracted to, but at this point in my discovery it's about all I know. Oh, except there is a great online support system of people all over the country doing this too, and they love to help out new beginners. Just saying. 

I am only asking you to so heavily consider your children's education because they will help determine my future. They are our future law makers, business people, road builders, political leaders, educators, doctors, zoo keepers-they will be doing it all. 

Your children will also decide which nursing home you will go to. Choose wisely.

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