Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Time in-between

A few really cool things have happened over the last week. I guess it's safe to say (so far) 27 has been good to me.

My girl Kels got me this amazing birthday present. But, if you follow my Instagram you already know this.

It's a selfie pole. As in, an extension pole for my phone that also comes with a super rad clicker-which gives you the ability to snap a photo at anytime...! 

Yes, I'm stoked.

Point in case...

You see us Home Depot employees know how to get down. 

Obviously, we had a slow night. 

So thanks Kels, for the memories yet to be made. 

Speaking of Kelsey, it was during a recent phone call with her (because of our many miles apart, that's how we have to communicate now) I realized something pretty amazing.

There I was, telling her of all the wonderful things God has been revealing to me, specifically that weekend, and God so clearly spoke to me. Again. In that perfect way He does.

In the last few months as everything here in little ole Conway has started to change and people have started leaving for their next step, I was quick to ask God Why not me? Why am I still here? I believe it is for a reason, but I desperately asked Him lately to reveal this reason or reasons to me. 

I'm pouring out my heart to Kels about this God given opportunity in a Mexican restaurant to share His truth with someone. Someone clearly asking what it meant to be born again after I shared a bit of my story. A conversation started, all over my tattoo. 

See Mom, they're not all so bad.

I said to Kelsey, I know if y'all were still here I wouldn't be seeking God so much, because I would be comfortable. I would be fine in our everyday routine. But since everyone did leave, I've sought God more in the time y'all have been gone than I have in a really long time. I'm digging in deeper to His everything because the idea of loneliness is so uncomfortable.

And then, in the soft still voice, I hear from my beloved. My gracious father said "this is it Kris, this is your reason. I long to be close with you, closer than ever before. I want you to view me as your total comfort." 


Talk about getting choked up and excited at the same time! 

My God is so, so good to me. 

Even just earlier that evening, He blessed me in a way I never imagined. 

I spent Saturday night with grandma. We stayed up well past 2am, which meant early morning church came and went as We remained in a state of deep sleep. That happens every now and then. No sweat. 

Since I was still around that evening and the church I grew up in still had Sunday night services, like all good Southern Baptist churches do, I decided to go. 

At first I was reluctant. I even walked in almost expecting to get nothing from the service. How sad that is! Here I was with a body of believers and I was expecting to be disappointed. God immediately convicted me about that. There I sat, first 5 minutes of church, totally convicted to the point of true repentance. 

God blessed that repentance though. After the worship began, I watched this congregation start to rise. This body of believers stood to their feet and embraced the moment of worship. I smiled as I lifted my hands in reverence to my Jesus, and in that moment - although I know it was for many people, I also knew it was for me. In the end, it was all for Him and His glory. 

After the service I had a chance to catch up with someone I've always considered a friend. Sharon was the cool college aged kid while I was the dorky junior high school student.

She's a precious soul. She looked at me across the dinner table as I told her plans God is revealing to me and desires that He's growing inside of me and she says "you know Krissy, we've always known that you were a leader. We knew from the time you were this big (she held her hand up to about the size of a small child). We knew that you were a leader. I have been so excited to watch as He continues to grow you in Him. I can't wait to see where He takes you."

I realized, God is using people from my past to speak truth into my future. 

Thanks for that moment, sweet friend. 

(Selfie pole in action, yet again!)

Yes, I do say 27 is looking pretty good. 

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