Friday, April 25, 2014

A Limitless Love

Growing up in the south, the Bible Belt as it is often referred to, I was very much culturally shut off from most beliefs other than my traditional Christian Baptist background. As I've grown older and had the chance to go beyond the borders of Arkansas, and even the US, I've learned the importance of the acceptance of every individual, not just like minded people. This is most true as I've learned, and continue to learn, to love people as Christ does. 

When it was first mentioned I could attend the Muslim mosque as an assignment replacement in my Islamic Law class, I was a little uncertain. I am not sure what I expected the situation to be like, but I knew I had to fully cover myself in prayer before ever committing to go. 

Halfway through the semester, not wanting to write yet another weekly paper, I decided to give it a try. On a Friday afternoon I grabbed my roommate and headed for Little Rock to experience for myself the mosque, where people of the Muslim faith express worship.

We got there a little early, which for me is a big accomplishment as most of you know. My main goal in going was not to offend anyone and to cover that place in prayer, welcoming the Holy Spirit where He is normally shut out. That is one reason I asked Kristen to go with me.

"For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst." Matthew 18:20

We found a place to park, but only after I had entered the exit. Already a little frazzled and confused, I desperately searched from the safety of my vehicle for the women's entrance of the building. (I was thankful enough that I knew before hand there was even such an entrance.)

We noticed a woman standing beside a door, assuming this was the entrance we were seeking, we prayed, then got out of the car and headed her way. I collected myself and my thoughts and entered through the door with the "ladies" sign in place. 

I know I cannot really compare the two, but as I was walking through that door, one that clearly meant to separate, I felt just a tiny bit of what most African Americans probably felt in the south before and during the civil rights movement. I am so thankful for the strides our society has made in the effort against that and I pray we keep making efforts to realize all people are created equal. Ok, I'm getting off my soapbox. 

Upon entering the building, we removed our shoes. I knew enough about Muslim customs to know this was the respectful thing to do. Because we were still a little early, there was only one other woman inside. I quickly approached her and mentioned we were there to observe for a class. 

I asked her where the best place was for us to be. She pointed us to the carpeted area where the women normally sit, and kneel, during service. There were just a few white folding chairs along the back row. She suggested we take a chairs, I'm assuming so we would feel as comfortable as possible. 

I settled into my chair and my surroundings quiet comfortably. As women and children all began to enter the building they each seemed friendly, welcoming me with a smile. With each returned smile, I also sent a prayer for truth. 

I did find it amusing, when another white woman came in as a first time guest, everyone automatically assumed we knew each other and were together. They put her in the chair beside me.

Women were all bowing and praying before anything officially got started, fulfilling some of their daily prayers (I was later informed). I watched as they took such reverence as they bowed before their god.

The dedication these people have to their faith is nothing like the dedication of your run of the mill religions, probably not even that of most Christians. With this I was moved. 

Moved to love. Moved to pray. 

The sermon began, the man speaking was talking about money and how they didn't need to spend it frivolously because it's not theirs. This particular message is one I've heard before, in my Christian church.  Just more weight to the argument Muslim people are normal everyday people. 

After the message, the people began to pray as a group. Because I was in the back, I was able to fully observe this act. 

I did not partake in the bowing and praying, although I stood each time the people stood. I didn't want to cross any lines in the act of actual worship because my dedication is to the One True King. 

After the whole service was over we were approached by several people, greeting us and wishing us well. 

have no explanation of this new found love I have for people of the Muslim faith, other than through Gods power. 

see a woman dressed in full burqa and immediately want to hug her and let her know she is not being judged for being different or for visually expressing her dedication to their faith. 

It makes me angry the enemy has deceived them so much. Telling them all of these false things about God.

It actually pisses me off. 

I can only imagine God has given me the desire to love on these people because one day, in some way, I will be used to share the gospel with a body of Muslim people or at least a group of people whose faith and culture is much different than my own.

The only true regret I have about the whole experience is what I choose to wear, although I was dressed completely modest and was in no way offensive to the women.

Since coming back from India, I have days where I want to wear my salwar kameez or attempt to wrap myself in my sari. Then I remember the struggle the Indian women who dressed me had - and I reconsider. 

I did rock that sari though.

I encourage you to ask God to give you a deeper love for people surrounding you that look nothing like you, or that maybe share a different faith. When we allow this love to flow through us, they are given a real chance at experiencing truth and freedom that comes from knowing the King of Kings. 

There is no limit to His love, and I promise He will gladly love these people through you. 

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Campfire Truths

This weekend I had the privilege of sleeping under the stars in my hammock, surrounded by good people - making great memories. 

Before we actually got to the sleeping part though, Mary and I weren't sure if we would every actually make it to camp! 

What's a two hour road trip without a few thousand stops along the way? 

My faithful driver 

And road trip essentials. . . FIREBALLS!

Then, we finally made it! 

And the weekend went: Campfire worship, talk of covenants and the importance of, floating the river (no pictures because, well, we were on the river!), dinner fixed up by this lovely... 

And after dinner coffee made like this.... As it could always be-and be perfectly fine by me. 

It's amazing how God will place the right people in your life at exactly the right moment. No matter how bad we fight it, His timing is so much better than ours. 


As the Bentz started this journey of job interviews in Texas, I started getting a little freaked out. Well, maybe a lot.

I knew God had blessed me with their love and while I am so grateful for it, I have grown dependent upon them being here, 2 minutes down the road. Dependent upon them as my only community in Conway (other than maybe a few close friends). Even as I type this - I'm sitting on their couch. Maybe it doesn't sound too bad if I also tell you they are in Texas right now? 

I am more aware now than ever, my dependency can only truly rely on Him and His sovereignty. He will faithful provide people in my life to support me along the way, but my deepest commitment is to The Lord. 

While the Bentz may be wonderful and completely irreplaceable, I am excited to say God has provided me with another family here in Conway. There's His perfect timing again. This family consist of hungry college aged individuals, seeking Gods truth. This is the Chi Alpha family. God knew before I ever could have imagined, I would need this family to lean on as my Bentz Bunch moved away. 

Saturday night I sat around a campfire thinking about just that, about these two families (the Bentz and Chi Alpha) realizing the strong community God has placed me in. Both being extremely supportive of the desires God has placed inside of me. Both willing to stand with me in prayer as I listen to The Lord. Both challenging me in my faith. 

Around that camp fire, I listened to testimony after testimony of all the wonderful things God has done in these girls lives, freedoms received, chains broken. I heard the promise of sisterhood. I felt the presence of The Lord. 

Chief, the leader (how appropriate a nick name, don'tcha think?), explained the cost and promise of leadership. The expectancy of giving up ones own plans so you can walk out the plan of The Lord. She explained a leader must posses two things; a servants heart and a desire to be challenged. 

I want to serve. I need to be challenged. The Spirit inside of me longs for both of those things. 

I am beyond grateful God has placed wonderful new friends in my life to help me transition into the next season. This season of complete surrender and total worship. A lifetime of servanthood. I cannot fathom the changes this next year will include, but I embrace them as The Lord sharpens me for the call He has placed before me.

After all, this life I'm living is not my own. 

God always follows through on His promises, and this pretty little thing is just another reminder! 

Thank you Lord for keeping the rain away long enough for me to awake from my deep slumber in the hammock! Much appreciated. 

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Living like the Locals

Saturday was a busy, refreshing, exhausting day!

The morning started bright and early with soccer for Soloman. Good thing I've had a lot of practice the last few months making it to basketball and soccer games back home. 

Here's mom, running down the field... 

And, the money shot! 

After soccer, we went to old downtown Plano TX to a pub. 

Truth is, we were actually in the pub across the street from this, I just really liked the clock. 

Also, the DART. How fabulous. For a country girl, I can really get on board with public transportation like this, or a subway system.  

Inside the pub, we ordered up so yummy food, and the foosball games began. Little did I know, most of our day would consist of a game I haven't played in years.... 

And the food came.

Jocelyn thought it so strange I felt the need to sit at a table to eat. She laughed at me, a lot.

I guess it's a little justified. I was at a pub, sitting on the floor to eat my dinner. (Because in the south, dinner is eaten in the middle of the day, and supper is what you eat at night). 

In my defense, we were in the very back of the joint, and the place was pretty homey. 

Books, books golore! 

From there, we headed home to formulate a plan for the night. 

Mid day coffee break here. Well, it was actually chi tea. 

Look at her fabulous coffee bar. 

Since the first time I ever went to her moms house and saw something similar to this, I've always wanted to recreate it in my home. Haven't quiet mastered it, but I'm getting there. 

This is when we decided on going to Top Golf. If ever in the Dallas area, you must check this out! Three stories of fun and games. 

Before we actually got to drive the balls, we had about a two hour wait. And there was another foosball table. And we played, for the entire two hours. And my team NEVER WON A GAME. 

Good thing the Seat Of Shame wasn't here, I would have had to wear that sucker all night!

Then, golf. 

This is the view from the 3rd deck of the driving range. 

And, the pro's daughter, doing her thang.

No seriously, her daddy is a professional long distance driver. 

You see her boots there, we were totally prepared for the Texas Two Step - but because of the two hour wait, we didn't make it. Totally ok though, because it was a blast just hanging out with this girl. 

Thankful for good friends and the truth that distance doesn't matter when there's a soul connection. An idea I needed reminded of considering all of my people are about to move to Texas! 

Today I'm headed back to Little Rock so I can see my sweet Baby Deacon. I sure have missed that little guy. 

Stay awesome. 


Saturday, April 5, 2014

Something Fierce, I tell ya!

I went back and read yesterday's post, it was a little bit messy... well maybe a lot bit messy. That's what happens when you rush through something! But that's okay, I invite you all into my mess. 

I felt like I was never going to actually get on the road, but once my journey began it was smooth sailing. The sky was big and blue and gorgeous. 

My prediction about getting frustrated with drivers came true. 

I'm not sure what happened here, but traffic was backed up for quiet a while. 

Once I got past all that, it was open road. 

And then, 

One thing I love about crossing that border is the Texas pride plastered all over their bridges. I wasn't quick enough to exclude them in the picture, but tiny Texas states (if tiny and Texas in the same sentence is possible) are on all of the collums. So cute. 

My car has this amazing 6 disk CD changer. It works about 83% of the time. There's no auxiliary jack. So when the CDs started messing up and the screen read "error" there was only one choice. 

FM radio.

That's typically half the fun of a road trip anyway, live like the locals do. 

It would be safe to guess that Texas has loads of country stations, right? Wrong. I found one. But I continued to hit that "seek" button for over an hour, just to make sure. 

I made this AMAZING video montage for you, but can't figure out how to post it from my phone. Maybe another day. Sigh. 

Once I finally made it to Dallas, I had to kill an hour or so before I could meet up with Jocelyn. 

I found this place. 

Renita was definitely right about its magnificent splendor. Totally mind blowing, even for those who don't fancy themselves as book hoarders. I started my collection a few years back. It's slowly growing. But with a store like this I can afford to grow it much quicker, and that excites me! 

Seriously, look at these shelves. 

The travel section seemed appropriate. 

I should go back and buy one of those globes. 

Also, the way it feels like a thrift store totally gets me. Thrift store junkie here, before it was the hipster thing to do. 

I finally made it to Joce's place! 

Then she played me a little tune. 

And of course... 

We enjoyed this and hours of conversation on her adorable back patio. There is something so fierce about a friendship that picks up right where you left off, no matter the time span invetween.


See, adorable. I'm completely jealous I don't have this back home.

If I don't check in soon, it's because I've decided to lose myself here. 

Today includes soccer and photoshoot location scouting and I've been told, a possible Texas Two Step. Good thing I brought my boots! 


Until next time, 
Happy trails to you. 

Friday, April 4, 2014

Hitting the Highway

In my very early 20s I started chasing country music across most of the southern US. I discovered many things in those few years. Mostly, I discovered parts of myself that I never knew were there. I found this new confidence, and I embraced it. I would see a show two states away just because I could. Along the way, I met so many different people. Now I have friends scattered all across the US!

My family tended to get frustrated with me because I was "burning up the road" waisting time and money just to "see another concert". What most people didn't understand is that it was much more than waisting time. It was a time of self discovery. I found parts of myself that would have laid uncovered for who knows how long. I discovered things I love to do, things that irritate me, like horrible traffic. I learned many lessons form choices I made. Sometimes I had too much to drink, I always laughed at everything (a trait I'm glad to say has stuck around), made life long relationships, learned the appreciation of gas station food and music. 

Something about the open road, wind coming in through the window- feel good music on the radio. Nothing better. I found a big part of who I am while chasing miles on the highway. 

Now that I have grown a little older, responsibilities have grown in numbers. I've had less opportunity to jump in the car and go. It is true what they say absence really does make the heart grow fonder. Oh highway, how I've missed you. I've been dying for a cross country road trip, something I decided a long time ago I would do.

Last week I posted on Facebook that I really needed a road trip. This weekend I'm headed about five hours south to Dallas to visit a good friend of mine. It may not be cross country, but at least I'm crossing state lines!

I'm even wearing my super rad shirt that will help me remember exactly when that happens. 

As I'm packing up to leave and hit the open road I'm excited to see what this adventure will include, what new self discoveries will be made. 

Recently, my adopted Conway family took a job in San Antonio Texas. I have always been a Texas fan - not longhorns just the state... Now there is this ever pressing matter of will I or won't I make the move to San Antonio myself. I know Dallas is not quite the same, but it's all Texas so I'm excited to test the waters. It's been a few years since I've crossed that Texarkana border! As I drive, I'm praying for more confirmation of what my future will hold after college. I'm starting to become excited thinking about a move further down south. I've only had a couple of real freak out moments - but who's counting? What awesome is that somehow there was God spin put on all of that too.  He's so faithful.

I can tell you a few things that are for sure going to happen this weekend:

I'm going to hug a friend I've missed for a while now, then we will spend hours catching up over a bottle of wine or a beer (or two). I'm going to be charmed by the cowboy hats that pass me by, I'm probably going to get upset with other drivers at some point. I'm going to wear my cowboy boots. I'm going to keep an open ear to see if God has anything more to say about this whole thing. Which He always does

Stay tuned for words from the open road from a traveling gypsy soul. 


Thursday, April 3, 2014

Just a fancy four letter word

Four letter words. I can think of a few. What comes to mind when another car hits you, or someone offends you? 

There's a whole laundry list of words we are not to use.

Words that have been battered and abused.

I want to talk about a word that many people take for granted.

A word, that when improperly used, leaves people feeling abandoned.

A powerful 4 letter word that cannot stop at only being a word.

It must be turned into an action, one that is to be given and received.


How we choose to do that reflects greatly on our character.

Have you heard of the 5 different love languages?

There is a great book that explains it and walks you through all 5 of the ways people receive and give love. For the sake of this post, I will tell you the list.

  • Physical Touch
  • Quality Time
  • Receiving Gifts
  • Words of Affirmation
  • Acts of Service

Have you ever heard of this? If you haven't, it's something you should look into. We are called to love one another and this truly helps you understand the different ways you receive and give love. Love is not a generic "one size fits all" thing that you can order off a menu like say... a cheeseburger with bacon and all the fixin's.

You can take a "quiz" here to help you determine your love language(s).

My first love language is words of affirmation and my second is tied between quality time and physical touch. I love to give gifts. I tend to receive gifts very horribly, but I'm working on it.

"Words of Affirmation". I think this goes hand in hand with my God given instinct to encourage others. I have a tendency to expect people to give me love the way I receive it best, and because of that I may not be as quick to realize someone pouring themselves out while trying to help me make dinner. I'm learning to see those moments now. Thankfully I've surrounded myself with friends and family who have much grace for me and who continue to love on me in the hard moments.

One of my very favorite things is to leave or find sweet little notes like this

How about this one? I've been hanging onto it for quiet some time now (9/29/08)...

While it may not be my first reaction, I also have to recognize acts of service people perform. The hours my dad has poured into fixing my car and making sure it's safe to drive, that's his act of service to me. Because he loves me, he does those things so I am safe. How about the way my friends offer to help me do something I've insisted on doing myself? There's another act of love.

Did you know that sometimes we think we are loving people in the best possible way but in reality we aren't? The truth is, the easiest way to love someone for you may be a difficult way for them to receive it. Some people may not appreciate or even notice you taking out the garbage, where others may truly jump for joy.

I encourage you to learn how you're loving on folks. Do so for those deep rooted relationships, do so for the person you meet at the grocery store. It's crucial we show people true, down to the core, raw love. Unconditional love. A love like Jesus.

Who wants to go through life without loving someone or being loved on?

Not this girl.

I challenge you to learn what your love language is, then to learn what language the people closest to you may "speak". If you are aware of the way you are loving on someone, and you are doing so in a way they receive it best, chances are you are pouring out love like never before.

Thankfully, I learned awhile ago what true unconditional love is. The deepest love any one person can know or feel, from the greatest being known to man. That love is from God. He who never fails us, He who is always patient, He who is kind but just, He who loves us when we cannot even love ourselves.
I encourage you to come to know this love too, to look outside of platonic, romantic, or fantasized love and to learn of a love that is everlasting. You have a father that wants to love you like no one else can.

Birthday Blessings and Wordy Messings

Birthdays are coming in doubles! 

I have a few people who come by this site regularly and provide encouraging support. Two of them are pretty special ladies to me. They both celebrate birthdays today, so we know rhymes are on the way! 

Dear Amy,

When you hired me as a 19 year old at the car dealership, I bet neither of us realized it would be such a trip.

There you were 6 years later allowing me to take care of your boys, filling my summer with lots of joyful noise. 

Along the way you provided a lot for my home, From kitchen dishes to a Christmas tree with all the fixin's. 

Both of those are highly appreciated and used on regular occasion, when I use those colorful dishes I sometimes make it Asian. 

We both have a mutual love of coffee and a good bottle of wine, although we've yet to share any for a few laughs and a good time.

I love your admiration for that tatted up Maroon five singer, although he has been known to flip the middle finger. 

I assume we all have a little rebel in us at times, just remember the man in black who walked the line.

I appreciate your interest in my blog, I hope it makes you happy and hopeful as you read along.

Thanks for always hooking me up with support for my mission calling, I was so blessed I sometimes ended up bawling.

I hope you have the best birthday yet, hopefully filled with memories you will not soon forget! 

Stay beautiful, stay sassy, continue to always keep it classy!

(Yes, I Facebook creeped this photo-but it seemed so appropriate) 


Cheesy birthday rhymes are in full force, and because she's on vacation I invite you all to read along the next wordy course!

 Dear Renita,

I've been thinking about this for days,
of all the things I would want to say. 

At times I've been at a loss for words,
which for me as you know, is quite absurd.

I've been in such a quiet place,
thinking about God and His infinite grace. 

26 years I had to wait,
but God knew it wasn't a day too late.

You came into my life with such a voice,
I wouldn't have it any other way, if given the choice.

Heavily impacting me day by day,
covering me in prayer as God leads the way.

My time with your family has been a wild silly ride,
one that has forever changed my perspective on life.

I really wanted this to be clever and funny,
but all of the words coming out are just as sappy as honey.

Let's change things up a bit, 
bring in more of my charming wit.

You've introduced me to so many new things,
like Christmas without fruit soup, it just wouldn't be the same.

Is now the right time to thank you for all of the beer? 
Or how about those dinner time conversations, we never know what we will hear!

Even though I make quite the fuss,
it really is funny when I hear you cuss.

It may be far and few between, 
but it happens on occasion, you know what I mean.  

As I've spent more time with you,
my vocabulary has changed too. 

I don't go around using inappropriate words as you would, 
but I have learned the shame in using "might could".

You should really consider adding words like fixin' and y'all,
it will be important to understanding everyone's Texas drawl.

Speaking of Texas, you have my blessing to head for that big open sky, 
but not to worry, because this is not goodbye.

Here's your special happy birthday message, 
One that's filled with a few of life's little lessons. 
This is to a woman with a lot of class,
who kicked cancer in the censored

Lookie there, I went through a whole birthday message with out bringing up your red hair!

You had solo shots posted (a few of my favorites, I might add) because I just realized, we never actually take pictures together. We need to fix that. 

Happy Birthday!!!! I love you to the moon and back!

Don't you worry, Deacon and Misha are keeping your bed nice and cozy while you are away.